Sunday, September 29, 2013

Ireland: Boys in Blue

During the bus ride on our way to our Gaelic Games program, I learned so much about how the Irish are when it comes to sports, specifically football (soccer).

One of the two coaches who "trained" us that day said:

"When people ask me to explain what sports mean to Ireland, it's like they're asking me to explain what air means to everyone. We live for our sports. We breathe it." 

Since I've never really followed any international sports team, I had no idea how passionate the Irish were when it comes to playing their games. I mean, I guess every country is very into their sports in one way or another, but what struck out to me the most about Ireland and their sports is the fact that the athletes (at least those who play in the All-Ireland Football games) do NOT get paid at all! 

And I quote our coach:

"These players who'll be playing at today's final game, they don't get paid. Not a single cent. They play purely out of passion and pride for their team, for their county."

For all of their sports, teams are categorized based on the counties represented in Ireland. For example, Dublin and Mayo are two separate counties, so there's a Dublin team, and a Mayo team. The team you belong to is "assigned" to you at birth. Whichever county you were born in, that automatically becomes your team should you choose to enter the world of sports. I guess this is exactly what fuels their passion, pride, and loyalty!

We picked a great day to do our Gaelic Games experience because the Gaelic Athletic Association (GAA) was holding the All-Ireland Senior Final Football Match that afternoon! It was a make or break game for the two counties I previously mentioned: Dublin and Mayo. Only one team can emerge victorious and take the title and call themselves champions, so it was a pretty HUGE deal! And since we were in Dublin and therefore in Dublin Team territory, we obviously rooted for the Dubs! (Nuks, Dubs) Dublin support was loud and proud in the city that day. Banners, posters, and people wearing the Dublin team color, blue. 

When our Gaelic Games program concluded mid afternoon, my friends and I watched the Dublin vs. Mayo finals match in a pub filled with die-hard Dublin supporters who were cheering like crazy when Dublin scores, and well, cursing like crazy when Mayo hits a goal! So imagine the crowd situation at the pub when Dublin finished off that match with a win! Everyone was hugging everyone, including us! I always try to interact with locals in every country we go to, so it was amazing being in that city at that time when the finals were happening. I felt I "blended in" with dem locals just by wearing blue and cheering for dem boys in blue! 

It was crazy, crazy cool. 

The match reminded me of an Ateneo-Lasalle game, actually. For one thing, Dublin's team color was blue, versus the green (and red) of Mayo, hehe. Go Ateneo-slash-Dublin!!!! #bleedblueforlife

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