Sunday, September 15, 2013

Rain, Rain..

It was pouring rain, and my shoes got soaked. My feet were wet, I was cold, and the battery of my camera was dying. As I was trying to take a good photo of the Arc de Triomphe, raindrops began tainting the lens. I was frustrated and tired, and even entertained the thought of going back to the hotel and just staying indoors. I silently cursed the rain for how it was ruining my afternoon in Paris.

Immediately after, I was struck with guilt, ashamed of how I was reacting to the weather. There I was, in the heart of Paris, complaining about the rain, and almost forgetting how amazing an opportunity it is to even BE in Paris. I got so caught up getting annoyed that I overlooked the

Sure, it was raining. Sure, the battery life of my camera was about to give up on me because I didn't have a European electrical plug adapter in order to charge it. And sure, it was uncomfortable walking around with soaking wet shoes.

But the rain will stop, batteries can be charged (I bought an adapter yay!), and shoes will dry. But who knows when I will get to experience Paris again?

It was a humbling situation, and I told God I was sorry for being a brat there for a moment. In retrospect, the rain provided a different element of adventure to our Parisian experience. But more on my Parisian adventures later! I am super exhausted after such a busy day, so it's bed time for me! I hope to write again tomorrow.

For now, it's bonne nuit! And this happy pic--

This was a jump shot fail that turned out to be pretty cool.
It looks like I was just weirdly laughing out loud... which I was, haha.
(And you can't tell by the pic, but it was actually starting to rain at this point!)

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