Visa applications are already stressful enough as it is, especially when you have to apply for six different ones in preparation for SAS. Every application took so much time, but trying to obtain my visa for Argentina pushed me to a breaking point.
As per embassy rules, the Argentinean Embassy here in Manila is only allowed to grant tourist visas with a three-month validity. I had tried applying at the beginning of July, but according to our voyage itinerary, we won't be setting foot in Argentina until mid November. This posed as a huge problem, because that meant I could't get the visa yet at the time of application since it would expire October. By then it would be of no use when we actually go to Argentina on November.
The embassy told me to come back on August to apply, but that clearly couldn't work because I was leaving on August! Now, this wouldn't have been that big of an issue had I not had two other visa applications (Ireland and South Africa) lined up behind my Argentina visa application. Those were already scheduled for the last few weeks of July and the first two weeks of August. I asked the embassy if it was at all possible to just grant me the visa in July, but mark the validity date to begin on August. They said no, that was against embassy rules.
At this point, I really did not know what to do. I literally did not have any other time to file an application within the month. Without the Argentinean visa, I wouldn't just be able to enter Argentina, but I wouldn't be able to sail at all due to SAS regulations. If I didn't get this visa, my whole SAS trip would have to be called off. GASP!!!
Negotiations with the embassy led to a meeting with the Argentinean Embassy Prime Minister himself, so my parents and I could talk about our options with the head. The Prime Minister was very nice and reviewed the circumstances we were stuck in. After much talk and careful consideration, he told us that his secretary would just give us a call regarding the status of my application, as he will further discuss my situation with other Argentinean Embassy leaders.
The waiting game is never fun. But finally, after what felt like an eternity of waiting for the embassy to call back, I received THE call. The secretary informed me that the embassy had agreed to expedite the visa processing for my case. It would be a one-day process instead of the usual two-week-process!! Hallelujah! I was leaving on August 22nd, so they told me to come back on August 20th, go through an interview, and then release my visa on the 21st. That way, the validity will start on August 21st, and end on November 21st, which is the perfect window time for me to enter Argentina on the 12th of November and leave Argentina on November 16th without any problem. Phew!
That moment was glorious. I cried tears of joy when I got that call. BUT... little did I know the stress wouldn't end there.
On August 20th, the day I was supposed to go back to the embassy to turn in my visa application, a major typhoon hit Manila that forced all offices to close--including embassies. I desperately needed August 20th to go smoothly but it did not. Not only that, but we then realized that the 21st was a holiday, meaning embassies would be closed as well! I was leaving on the 22nd and I still have not gotten my visa!!!
This was my breaking point. I cried out to God, literally cried. These were things far beyond our control--the weather, the embassy rules, the timing. I cried to my parents and they prayed with me. They shared these passages with me:
Matthew 8:27
"The men were amazed and asked, 'Who is this man that even the winds and the seas obey Him?'"
-This reminded me that God is in control of EVERYTHING. Every little thing. Nothing is too small nor too big for my God. I can count on Him to always take control of situations that are way beyond the control of mere mortals.
Exodus 14:14
"The Lord will fight for you while you keep silent."
-He will fight my battles, and I need to just put my faith in Him.
To end this long story, I eventually got another call from the embassy telling me that they have not forgotten my appointment. They advised me to just come in very early on the morning of the 22nd, the day I was set to fly out to London, and they will process my visa within hours. THANK THE LORD my flight wasn't til the evening!!!
So on my departure day, I woke up early and headed straight to the embassy. I was scheduled to leave for the airport at 3:30pm. My Argentinean visa was released at 2pm. Talk about photo finish. After going through such an ordeal, I realized that there really is nothing impossible with God. And that sometimes, it is in the most trying of times that you can truly see His power and glory. God is never late.
He has orchestrated even the smallest details to come together to fit His plan. Imagine, earlier that summer, my parents and I were thinking of booking my flight on the 20th of August, so I'd have a few days to roam around London before I sail off with SAS on the 23rd. But in the end, we decided I only needed a day so we booked the 22nd. Had I chosen to go on the 20th, my plans would have been majorly derailed with that typhoon. God is at work constantly, even when we think small details like that are simply too trivial for Him.
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The ever elusive Argentinean visa! |
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